The Worcester County LGBTQ+ History Project is a partnership between the Worcester Historical Museum (WHM), Digital Worcester, Clark University, the College of the Holy Cross, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute with a mission to collect, preserve, interpret, and make digitally accessible the community’s past.
At the center of this effort is the Community Advisory Board:
Peter Bacchiocchi, Worcester Pride, baccitup@gmail.com
Elizabeth Brooks, Photographer, byelizabethbrooks@gmail.com
Lamar Brown, AIDS Project Worcester, lbrown@aidsprojectworcester.org
Leo Négron Cruz, LNC01606@gmail.com
Judi Kirk, Boys and Girls Club of Worcester, jkirk@bgcworcester.org
Heather Mangione, heathermangione@gmail.com
Griffin Minigiello, Clark University, GMinigiello@clarku.edu
John Palella, Ph.D., Clark University, jpalella@clarku.edu
Christian Rea, jchristianrea@gmail.com
Rox Samer, Clark University, RSamer@clarku.edu
Sarah Slocum RainbowReadersMass@gmail.com
John Trobaugh, UMASS Medical School, John.Trobaugh@UMassMed.Edu
A curatorial team assembled, interpreted, and wrote LGBTQ+ Worcester For the Record in consultation with the Community Advisory Board and WHM. The curatorial team included:
Joseph Cullon, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Digital Worcester, jcullon@wpi.edu
Robert Tobin, Clark University, rtobin@clarku.edu
Stephanie Yuhl, College of the Holy Cross, syuhl@holycross.edu
The WHM and Digital Worcester provided the expertise, space, and resources to make LGBTQ+ Worcester for the Record, LGBTQintheWoo.org, and LGBTQWorcesterTour.Com possible, including:
David Conner, Director of Community Engagement, WHM, davidconner@worcesterhistory.net
Joseph Cullon, Director, Digital Worcester, jcullon@wpi.edu
Wendy Essery, Library and Archive Manager, WHM, library@worcesterhistory.net
Vanessa Bumpus, Exhibitions Coordinator, WHM, vanessabumpus@worcesterhistory.net
William Wallace, Executive Director, WHM, wwallace@worcesterhistory.net
The Worcester County LGBTQ+ History Project thanks the many students who have contributed to the project: Lucas E. Ferreira, Worcester State; Chase Gaudino, WPI; Brittany Goldstein, WPI; Nora Grimes, Holy Cross; Elizabeth Hallahan, Holy Cross; Ryan Dale Johnson, WPI; Sarah Emrich Kwatinetz, WPI; Griffin Minigiello, Clark; Emma Powell, Holy Cross; Nicholas Taliento, Holy Cross; Rex Tayag, Holy Cross; and Kaitlyn Meehan, Holy Cross.